Preparing Windows for WLab development

Most of the tools used to manage the WLab source code come from a UNIX pedigree. The simplest way to prepare an appropriate development environment under Windows is to install Cygwin ( Cygwin provides a simulated UNIX environment on Windows, and also includes most of the tools one needs to work on WLab.

Download the latest version of Cygwin from the website and run its setup program. When prompted to select packages, you should ensure the following packages are included. (To select a package, click the text “Skip” and it should change to a version number).

Once you have selected these packages, click Next and allow the Cygwin installer to proceed through installation.

When it is complete, it should have installed the program Cygwin Bash Shell. Use this instead of the regular Windows command line when working on WLab development. Note that this is a simulated UNIX command line, so some conventions are different. Of most importance the the fact that the directory delimiter is forward slash / rather than backslash \. For more details of working in Cygwin’s Bash shell, try the excellent Bash Guide for Beginners, available at